French food ideas for a paris theme wedding?

I am getting married soon and we are planning on doing a paris/french theme. Any ideas on what food we can serve for the reception? Not so worried about easy to make as I am about the cost, we will be serving a lot of people so we need something that is gonna be cost effective. Thanks.

Crepe wraps,Pastries,Duck…French fries.hehehe
Ice coffee,Entrees on the french persuasion.Type in
French foods Recipes…

7 Responses

  1. Addie lowry duncan-vaughan Says:

    Crepe wraps,Pastries,Duck…French fries.hehehe
    Ice coffee,Entrees on the french persuasion.Type in
    French foods Recipes…
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  2. nanny Says:

    les salades
    poulet d’orange
    bieftec avec Bearnaise
    les petit pois
    pommes de terre frites
    annanas, cerises, pommes, poire, etc.
    crepes Suzette
    …et voila, le menu….!
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  3. livin4Him Says:

    FRENCH fries all the way! ;)

    Honestly, no idea
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  4. siebki Says:

    snails are always the first thing i think of when i think of france although that might not be very popular hahaha. crepes are popular and you could offer a crepe bar/buffet type thing where people could choose what they want to put in their crepes. It could even be a dessert crepe bar. French bread with the main course is a must as well.
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  5. ELM Says:

    You can have a French Wedding cake for your cake. It is a pyramid shaped tower of custard cream/cream filled shoe pastry profiteroles covered in chocolate and toffee.
    We are having one at our wedding can’t wait!
    take a look on and look under wedding cakes!

    Also volu vents which are little pastry cases filled with things such as salmon and cream cheese are lovely too.
    Go tot your local library and look at thecook books and food magazines there for more ideas.

    Good luck, it sounds fun!
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  6. sess42 Says:

    Second cake down in the pic.
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  7. Zambizzle Says:

    Frogs legs make it interesting? Or maybe chocolate frogs legs for dessert?
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