Would you rather have a color themed wedding or a beach themed wedding?

My wedding will be May 16, 2009. It’ll be a church wedding with the reception in the church gym. I’m stuck between a beach them and a three color theme. The 3 colors would be apple red, gold, and white. There will be about 200 guests. Which one would look better?
It’s be more a tropical theme rather than a beach theme.
I think I am leaning more towards colors.

I like them both! why couldn’t you use them both? for instance I would do the sand ceremony instead of the candle and put your colors in the sand. the favors could have the tropical theme in it. you have two great ideas do both or whatever is in your heart. but i could picture the center pieces with if you do vases you could put sand on the bottom with the ribbons that match your color scheme and if it is indoors you could put the floating candles in it or if you want to alternate do one table with that and the other with Pineapples and get tooth picks and stick them with cherries or cheese.It depends what type of reception you want you could do a lot, most important thing is have fun with it and make it your own and I wish you the best of luck.

19 Responses

  1. buttfacex33 Says:

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  2. Rainy Says:

    I would pick a purple theme that is what I would rather have . .
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  3. ashnarf Says:

    The beach theme can get a little Corney and overdone… I would go with the color. It’s a real nice color pallet!
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  4. AnswerJunkie Says:

    I think if you are not going to be a beach, then a beach theme would look kinda funny. Now if you were getting married on a beach and had seashells for centerpeices and such… that would be adorable.
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  5. Just Because Says:

    I would go with the tropical instead to the themed it sounds more fun.
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  6. Kelly Says:

    I think the beach theme would be better
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  7. Kelli J Says:

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  8. Stephanie Says:

    I think your colors would look very classic, especially since its in a church, if it were outside i would do the beach theme.
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  9. Aims Says:

    Thats my birthday!! ;)

    I would not a do a beach/ tropical theme unless it was at a beach, or a resort. For a church wedding, I would go w/ a color theme or something classier, like champagbe theme (decorate with flutes and neutral colors). Something like that. Congrats!
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  10. viki S Says:

    colour even tho you are using to much colour its less tacky then a beach theme especially in the church gym!!!
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  11. Kit Says:

    If I were having a casual wedding and was going more for the upbeat party atmosphere then I would have the tropical beach theme…

    If I were having a more formal wedding and was going for the sophisticated elegant atmosphere then I would go for the 3 color theme.
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  12. Bella Pina Says:

    color theme
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  13. Veiled Says:

    I like color, especially if it’s indoors. Unless you have lots of sunlight pouring into the gym, the lighting may not be enough to make it feel truly tropical.
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  14. rhodenkm Says:

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  15. Jen Says:

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  16. Peachy Keen, Jelly Bean Says:

    Awesome! You’re getting married on my birthday!

    Now, to answer your question. Personally, I’ve never been too fond of the idea of a "themed" wedding. The only theme a wedding needs is the fact that it’s a wedding. Themes are best left to high school proms and birthday parties. Stick with a color scheme.
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  17. diannalortiz Says:

    I prefer the color scheme but it is completely up to you.
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  18. njskiier33 Says:

    Those colors would actually be very "Nautical" which is the theme we’re doing. It’s not beach per say but more like yatch club. :)
    But, we’re also at a marina! Still would be fun though!
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  19. Future Mrs. Rodriguez Says:

    I like them both! why couldn’t you use them both? for instance I would do the sand ceremony instead of the candle and put your colors in the sand. the favors could have the tropical theme in it. you have two great ideas do both or whatever is in your heart. but i could picture the center pieces with if you do vases you could put sand on the bottom with the ribbons that match your color scheme and if it is indoors you could put the floating candles in it or if you want to alternate do one table with that and the other with Pineapples and get tooth picks and stick them with cherries or cheese.It depends what type of reception you want you could do a lot, most important thing is have fun with it and make it your own and I wish you the best of luck.
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