What would you like your wedding to look like? Your wedding theme doesn’t have to be hugely elaborate, but let’s face it – this is one of the most important days of your life, so you can have whatever theme, style and look you want.

For some couples, choosing a wedding theme is a piece of cake, but if you are still trying to decide, here are some ideas to get you going.

1. Summer Wedding Theme

A summer wedding is traditional and it brings with it all the benefits of great weather. If you are having your wedding in the summer, why not incorporate a summery theme too? Summer is the best time of the year for flowers, so decide on a colour scheme (purple and white, for example) and make sure you have plenty of flowers everywhere to match that scheme. Serve seasonal foods and white or rose wine, and maybe hire a band to play outdoors. If you are planning the wedding yourself, go to a florist to get advice about the best seasonal flowers to include!

2. Spring/Autumn/Winter Wedding Themes

Summer isn’t the only season for weddings! Autumn lends itself well to rich, warm colour schemes involving deep reds, oranges and gold – while spring is excellent for greens, blues and pastels. For a winter wedding, deep burgundies and glistening silvers work really well. And why not decorate the cake with snowmen made from icing and serve hot spiced wine!

3. Musical Wedding Theme

If you enjoy music, you can centre your wedding theme around that. Hire a band, or a number of solo players, and have a variety of music played throughout the day. You can arrange the tables at your reception around a stage, so that gentle music can be played while you eat, or have a choir sing throughout your service.

4. Boat Wedding Theme

A wedding on a boat can be fantastically romantic, so long as the boat isn’t too rocky! You don’t want anyone getting seasick. You could watch the sunset over the water while you exchange vows and then have fireworks as the party gets under way.

5. Other Themes

Whatever your great love is, and however unusual it might be, you can certainly base your wedding around it. As long as both partners are equally keen (remember that it’s a special day for both the bride and the groom!) you can base your wedding on literally any theme. Western weddings with ten gallon hats and horses, weddings in the colours of a sports team, even weddings where the bridal party dresses up as aliens – they have all been done. Base your wedding on something both you and your partner love to create a day that is personalised just for you!

Your wedding theme can be anything that fits within your budget, but try to choose something that you will always be able to look back on and think, “Yes. That was my wedding day. It was just perfect.” If you choose a theme based on something you dig just at the moment, you may find that you regret it like a bad tattoo in the future. So make sure you choose a theme that’s going to seem special forever.

For more ideas on choosing your wedding theme as well as a free wedding checklist, please visit WeddingDayDelights.com now.

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Decorations that work well for a winter wedding include wreaths, feathers, snowflake elements, silver-painted branches and white linens. Interpret a winter wedding theme with helpful tips from a professional event coordinator in this video on planning a wedding.

Expert: Tara Wilson
Bio: Tara Wilson is the owner of Tara Wilson Events, a full-service event company committed to providing creative, well-executed and memorable events for individual and corporate clients.

Duration : 0:1:40

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When thinking of decorating for a fall wedding theme, you’ll want to think about the colors of orange, rusts, golds and browns. Incorporate nature’s colors into your fall wedding with help from an award-winning wedding planner in this free video on wedding decorations.

Expert: Phyllis Cambria
Contact: www.WeddingPlansPlus.com
Bio: Phyllis Cambria is a nationally-recognized, award-winning party planning expert, event marketing expert, wedding planner, wedding coach, author and sought-after speaker.
Filmmaker: Paul Muller

Duration : 0:2:26

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When choosing a wedding theme, find ideas and inspiration from bridal magazines, wedding websites and your personal style. Develop a theme that reflects the couple’s personality with helpful tips from a professional event coordinator in this video on planning a wedding.

Expert: Tara Wilson
Bio: Tara Wilson is the owner of Tara Wilson Events, a full-service event company committed to providing creative, well-executed and memorable events for individual and corporate clients.

Duration : 0:1:38

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